Our Daily Programme
This will give you an idea of what a typical day at Educare Orewa could look like.
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Our daily programme at Educare Orewa varies each day depending on the needs of our tamariki.
Child Led Exploration: During child-led play times, children will have the opportunity to engage in provocations and follow their urges/interests to extend their learning and gain new knowledge & skills that develop their dispositions and strategies for learning. Kaiako/teachers observe learning, plan environments to support further development and engage in social and emotional learning support.
Rolling Kai: Rolling Morning/Lunch and Afternoon Kai allows children to finish off tasks they are currently working on and come to the table once they have completed it. This helps develop concentration and perseverance which is essential for life-long learners. There is a system in place to inform teachers on who has eaten and who has not. Children who have not are encouraged to come and eat.
Tūakana/ Teina: Older and younger tamariki learning from each other.
Excursions: We endeavour to go on fortnightly walks (Te Wheke Children) in the local community i.e. to collect natural items from the park, visit the library etc.