The Totara Park Team
This is our team of teachers and staff at Educare Totara Park. Scroll through to find out more about our teaching team.
Jess Kneebone
Centre Manager
Kia Ora, I have been apart of the Educare whānau since 2016 completing my degree as a teacher in training and embarking on what has been an invaluable learning journey to become a Centre Manager and lead such inspiring kaiako everyday. I am passionate about creating a safe and inviting learning environment for our tamariki where they build a strong sense of belonging. As a kaiako I enjoy building the special connections with not only the tamariki but their whānau as well. My partner and I welcomed our first baby Taeo in September 2023, outside of mahi we are an active family either on the golf course, rugby or hockey field. I am passionate about health and fitness and teach group fitness classes in the community, I enjoy living in a small town and all the connections that we make.
Gabrielle Pollock
Assistant Manager, Registered Teacher
Kia ora koutou, my name is Gabe, I have been working with children since graduating from a Bachelor of Teaching Degree (ECE) in 2014.
I have 4 tamariki and an awesome partner who keep me on my toes, 2 of which are joining the centre with me too. My whānau and I relocated from Kirikiriroa in January 2022, we are loving the change here in Whangārei. In our spare time we love going to the beach, nature walks and exploring this beautiful place.
I am a kaiako who thrives on fostering independence, curiosity and wonderment with your tamaiti, ensuring they are confident and capable lifelong learners. I am also passionate about establishing strong relationships with tamariki and whānau as I believe this is the foundation for ensuring the tamariki thrive in an education setting.
Chelsee Dovey
Team Leader, Registered Teacher
Kia ora whānau
I’m Chelsee, and I have lived in Whangarei my whole life, living the beach life on the east coast (Ngunguru).
I have always wanted to be a teacher originally as a primary teacher however; I managed to stumble into early childhood discovering my love and passion in teaching and learning about the world alongside tamariki.
I began my journey in 2011 with Educare, I got my Bachelor in Early Childhood Education in 2015, now I plan to gain my full registration. I have a strong interest in implementing Te Ao Maori and I would like to strengthen my practice and knowledge, which is why I have joined the amazing team at Totara Park Educare.
I really look forward to getting to know you, your child and whānau on this amazing journey.
Chelsee is currently on maternity leave.
Lydia Parkinson
Registered Teacher
Kia ora Totara Park, my name is Lydia Parkinson and I am very excited to join the teaching team here. I am a fully qualified teacher and have been working in early childhood centres since 2017. I love being able to support children in their early years and give them the best start to life, I am very family orientated, and enjoy spending time with my nieces and nephews. In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, spending time with friends, and watching movies.
I look forward to getting to know you and your children as I begin my journey here at Educare Totara Park.
Cherie Rowe
Registered Teacher
Kia Ora, I was born in Nottingham, England. At nine months old my family moved to New Zealand living in Auckland, and then have been a Northlander ever since I was three.
When I was young, I declared that I was going to be a teacher - and here I am all these years later doing my childhood dream. I qualified as an ECE teacher in 1999 and have spent many years working with both unders and overs. I love getting down to the child’s level and seeing the world from their eyes, it truly is a magical place.
Away from work I enjoy gardening, being outside and going horse riding. During winter you will find me on the sideline watching my nephews and nieces playing rugby and league. I am looking forward to my adventure here, and am excited to share this journey with all your beautiful tamariki.
Zara Hanlon
Registered Teacher
I’m Zara, I was born in Whanganui but moved up to Ngunguru as a child, and feel very lucky to have a place called home by the ocean.
I became a qualified Early Childhood kaiako in 2023. I enjoy working alongside tamariki and helping them grow into confident, and competent lifelong learners.
I believe in caring for each other and sharing kindness (Manaakitanga), forming relationships with whānau (whanaungatanga) and caring and respecting our environment (Kaitiakitanga). When I am not working, I enjoy going to the beach, spending time with my whānau and friends, having fun or being at the gym.
Lissa Davies
Registered Teacher
"Kia ora koutou,
Ko Lissa Davies ahau,
te uri o nga Hapu o Whangarei,
nga Iwi no Ngatiwai, Ngapuhi ahau.
I was born and bred in Hikurangi and live on my Tupuna whenua at Ngararatunua which is my Hapu o Ngati Kahu o Torongare.
I have four adult tamariki and many mokopuna. I have been involved in Education for most of my life, having started in the Kohanga Reo movement with my tamariki. I’m passionate about the early years of a child’s life and decided to train as an early Childhood teacher in the 90’s. I hope that I can in some small way add value to your tamariki educational, emotional, social wellbeing while I am here at Educare Totara Park with Jess and the team. I look forward to getting to know more of the whānau here as I support your tamariki learning. Mauri ora!"
Thinley Choezom
Registered Teacher
Kia ora, my name is Thinley Choezom, I am originally from Tibet and have been in New Zealand since 2009. I am a mother of two daughters and we live in Te Kamo. I completed my Bachelor of Teaching ECE through Open Polytechnic NZ in 2021 and gained my teacher registration in 2024. I look forward to building relationships with all of the tamariki and whānau, and supporting children’s learning by engaging and interacting with them. I love children and love to see them learn and develop, and I respect and value each child as an individual. I am excited to learn and gain experience from experienced Kaiako and get to know all your little ones and their whānau.
Bree Kessell
Teacher in Training
Kia ora whānau, I’m Northland born and bred and I'm proud of it. Outside of mahi I love going to the beach or fishing on a sunny day and will play a game of golf in sunshine or rain. I come from a very big whānau who are very close, so I enjoy spending lots of time with them and my friends.
I never saw myself as a kaiako when I was younger, but my interest in teaching tamariki grew as all my cousins started to have their own pēpi, providing me the opportunity to fall in love with this career. This year I will be in my second year of studying for my Bachelor of teaching degree, majoring in ECE, providing me with valuable skills and knowledge to grow and adapt as a kaiako while caring for your tamariki.
Feel free to come say hello, I'm excited to continue getting to know you all.
Nikkita Little
Kia ora, I grew up here in Whangarei. I went to Onerahi Primary, Whangarei Intermediate then Whangarei Girls' High. In my spare time I like to be with my friends and family, whether this be at the beach on a hot summers day or having a movie night eating junk food.
I started relieving right here at Totara Park in July 2022, since then I have learnt so many new skills which has made me grow into a confident kaiako. I have made many strong relationships and connections with the tamariki, their whānau and the kaiako and realised I wanted to start a career in early childcare.
This year I will be starting a Bachelors degree majoring in ECE which I could not be more excited for! I cannot wait to expand on my knowledge and grow as a kaiako.
Portia Redwood
Kia ora, I began my ECE career right here at Totara Park as a reliever in 2022. Since then I have become a full time kaiako in He Kākano working with our older tamariki as we support them with their transition to school. I love doing group projects, art and creativity focused activities that let our tamariki take lead as they help to guide their own learning paths.
Outside of work I enjoy traveling and exploring new places, especially beaches. Whether it’s a road trip with friends or visiting whānau I love keeping busy and socialising.
I've always found myself drawn to teaching but truly found my passion for it while relieving at Totara, which is why I am so excited to be here. I can't wait to get to know you and your tamaiti as we work together to help them flourish.
Danny Stewart
Kia ora Educare whānau, my name is Danny and I have just recently started here at Totara Park. I am really enjoying working here and being around the tamariki helping them all to grow, learn and evolve as young people. Seeing them each day and watching them as they learn new things, share with their friends, laugh and play is really incredible. I have already made some amazing relationships with the tamariki and staff within the short amount of time I have been here.
If you see me floating around and hanging out with the tamariki don’t be shy to come and say hello.
Andrea McKenzie
Kia ora koutou
I'm excited to be a part of Totara Park Educare.
I am Andrea Mackenzie I live in Tikipunga with my partner Steve and two boys James and Ryan.
Before taking on the nutritionist role I was reliving for Educare cooking and teaching for the last year.
I have lived in my whole life on the east coast (Ngunguru) on a small farm. I always have wanted to be a chef. I study my first year at North Tec then moved to Wellington to finish my diploma in Cookery and Culinary Arts.
I think it is important to teach our tamariki about food, healthy eating and where our food comes from.
I look forward to getting to know you, your child and whānau.
Holly Archibald
Kia ora koutou, I'm Holly, and my role is to support multiple managers and their teams while working at different Educare centres each day.
I have 2 sons who love their sport, so when I'm not cheering them on from the sidelines I also enjoy getting out for walks, hikes and a bit of fishing too.
I really enjoy working in the childcare industry and am more than happy to help with any enrolment forms/applications or queries. I look forward to getting to know all the tamariki and their whānau too.