And respects the rights of all children. We value children’s individuality, their special qualities, skills and attributes which contribute to a holistic learning environment enabling them to Learn, Laugh and Play.
Every child is unique and needs acceptance and respect to develop to their full potential. Each child is given time and space to progress and develop at his/her own natural pace.
All relationships, within Educare, are respectful. Relationships between teachers and children are especially respectful, with firm, fair and consistent boundaries that will provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to grow socially competent.
We believe that open communication between management, teachers and parents is essential as we work in partnership to provide quality care and education for all children.
Teachers display sensitivity, compassion and support to each other and the families who attend our centres. Educare actively supports their staff to continually grow, both personally and professionally.
Centre environments are regarded as ‘third teachers’ to evoke curiosity, and support learning through careful attention to aesthetics and creative spaces.
Our bicultural heritage of Aōtearoa New Zealand is recognised and naturally integrated within the centres, through Te reo (language) and tikanga (practice). Additionally we appreciate and value our society as being increasingly multicultural and diverse.
Educare embraces Te Whāriki, (New Zealand’s National Early Childhood Curriculum) as our guiding document. It is the holistic approach of Te Whāriki that not only underpins planning and practice for children but also makes us reflect during the process of policy making and self review.
Click to view our child protection policy.